Workshop Hire

Workshop Hire

Workbench hire is available on occasional Fridays throughout the year, with the very occasional Saturday slot when the studio is free.

A technician will be on site to guide you in the use of equipment, however you would be expected to work independently, without support. You would also be responsible for your own Health & Safety.

For a fee of £45 you can have access to our facilities and resources for the day. If you require the use of hand tools an additional fee of £10 will be charged.

Our facilities include:

  • 6 jewellers benches
  • Brazing hearth
  • Soldering torches
  • Rolling mill
  • Pendant drill
  • Pillar drill
  • Polishing machine
  • Barrel polisher
  • Ring stretcher
  • Vices
  • Hammers
  • Forming tools

The workshop is available by appointment, usually between 10am – 5pm, with a 1 hour lunch break when the studio will be closed.

Bookings should be made in advance. We require 72 hours notice for bookings and a minimum of 24 hours for cancellations. If you cancel less than 24 hours in advance you will still be charged.

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